Found 7 Factsheets

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Accessing NHS Mental Health Services

Source: Mind in Harrow
Source: National Mind

Anger Management

This fact sheet will give some background information to what anger is and how it can be managed, together with help from voluntary organisations in Harrow and nationally.
Source: Mind in Harrow

Bipolar Disorder

This fact sheet provides some information on Bipolar Disorder, also known as manicdepression,and on services where help can be sought.
Source: Mind in Harrow

How to improve and maintain your mental wellbeing

Source: National Mind

Religion and Spirituality

This fact sheet will give some background information on the significance of an individual’s religion and spirituality in the provision of mental health care.
Source: Mind in Harrow

Self Harm

This factsheet provides an insight in to self-harm and highlights some of the resources that are available.
Source: Mind in Harrow
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