Found 5 Factsheets

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Drug and Alcohol Abuse

This fact sheet will give some background information on how drug or alcohol abuse can be linked to mental health problems (also called "dual diagnosis") and how to find help through statutory and voluntary sector organisations in Harrow in addition to national organisations.
Source: Mind in Harrow

Mental health and the police

Source: National Mind

Personality Disorders

Gives some background information to what Personality Disorder is and how to go about finding help from national organisations.
Source: Mind in Harrow


This factsheet provides some information on schizophrenia and the services available to help people. Some of the information is taken from National Mind booklet, 'Understanding Schizophrenia'.
Source: Mind in Harrow

Self Harm

This factsheet provides an insight in to self-harm and highlights some of the resources that are available.
Source: Mind in Harrow
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