Found 5 Factsheets

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This fact sheet will give some background information to what advocacy is and how to go about finding advocacy through useful organisations.
Source: Mind in Harrow

Mind in Harrow Welfare Rights Bulletin

This bulletin is for people experiencing mental health problems who need information on welfare rights and finances
Source: Mind in Harrow

Personal Budgets

This factsheet explains what a Personal Budget is, who is eligible, how to apply and where to go for further information and support.
Source: Mind in Harrow


This factsheet provides some information on schizophrenia and the services available to help people. Some of the information is taken from National Mind booklet, 'Understanding Schizophrenia'.
Source: Mind in Harrow

Universal Credit

This factsheet provides an overview of what Universal Credit is and how to make a claim.
Source: Mind in Harrow
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