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Brent Bereavement Service (BBS)

Brent Bereavement Service (BBS) logo

Brent Bereavement Service (BBS) is for anyone effected by a recent Bereavement in area of Brent. Counselling is available for those who have had a recent bereavement and available low cost for those on a low income. Counsellers try to be as accesible as possible so counselling sessions are available in a variety of languages. Counselling can be any day of the week between 9am-9pm. BBS also providee workshops and training for workplaces. They also have one off group therapy sessions where family members can expresss their feelings in a safe space. Service can be provided to Harrow residents, if they are able to travel to Willesden 


379-381 High Road, Willesden, NW10 2JR
Area serviced:
Brent and surrounding areas
020 8459 6818 OR 07747401448
Opening times:
Mon-Fri, 9am -5pm
Waiting times:
Initial referral to assessment normally takes 1 week Assessment to 1st counselling session can take between 1 week to 6 weeks, depending on the client's needs and availability.
Who is it for:
People in need of counselling who are experiencing bereavement. Aged over 18 years, Bereaved for at least 5 weeks, Not attending other regular psychological treatment or counselling services, Not suffering from any severe mental health conditions or using recreational drugs or alcohol.
£5 min donation per session
How to apply:
Self-refer by email or phone. Referral form available on the website.
52, 98, 226, 260, 266, 297, 302, 460
Dollis Hill (Jubilee)
Last updated: