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Harrow Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service (Harrow SENDIAS)

Harrow SENDIAS supports parents and carers of children and young people aged up to 25 who have a special educational need or disability (SEND). They also support the children and young people themselves with matters relating to education, health and social care.

They give support on the following matters:

- Free, confidential, accurate and impartial information advice and support
- Support during assessment for an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan and at annual reviews for statements and EHC plans
- Support at meetings with nurseries/schools/ colleges and with the local authority
- Drop-in service for young people and parents/carers

Harrow SENDIAS is part of Family Action, a charity that provides support around the country.

Cedars Hall, Chicheley Road, Harrow Weald, HA3 6QH
Umbrella org:
Family Action
Area serviced:
Families must live in Harrow to receive support, but children/young people do not have to go to school in Harrow to be eligible
020 8428 6487
Opening times:
Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm, during school term times + during school hols (8.4.19-12.4.19, 27.5.19-31.5.19, 26.8.19-30.8.19)
Who is it for:
Children and young people aged 0-25 who have any kind of educational additional need (learning, social, physical, medical etc.), as well as their parents/carers
182, H12, H14, H18
Hatch End or Headstone Lane (Overground)
Last updated: