The Vincent Square Eating Disorder Service offers a range of specialist services for women and men aged 16 years and over suffering from anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders. Treatment is provided through outpatient appointments, day patient services and inpatient care.
There is a clinic at Northwick Park Mental Health Unit for patients in Brent and Harrow – details are given below. The main centre is located in Kensington (1 Nightingale Place, London SW10 9NG).
The service assesses urgent referrals within two weeks and non-urgent referrals within eight weeks. Once the patient has been assessed a decision will be made regarding the best care for the patient. This could be treatment as an inpatient, day patient or on either a tertiary waiting list for outpatient treatment or secondary waiting list for outpatient treatment.
Northwick Park Mental Health Centre, Watford Road, Harrow, HA1 3UJ
Umbrella org:
Central and Northwest London Mental Health NHS Trust
Who is it for:
Women and men aged 16 and over suffering from eating disorders
How to apply:
Referral by GP following agreement by the Primary Care Trust
182, 186, 223, H9, H10, H14
Northwick Park (Metropolitan)