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Al-Hasaniya Moroccan Women's Centre

Al-Hasaniya Moroccan Women’s Centre seeks to serve the health, welfare, educational and cultural needs of Moroccan and Arabic-speaking women and their families resident in the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea and London-wide. Many of their services are exclusive to the boroughs of Kensington and Chelsea, but some are available elsewhere in London, and you are welcome to call them and enquire about services in your local area.

They offer support in the following areas:

- Mental health: providing practical and emotional support for women residing in Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea experiencing enduring mental health problems and their families

- Domestic violence: one-to-one support for women in the tri-borough suffering any kind of abuse and providing support to access legal, welfare and therapeutic services

- Older people: advice, advocacy, signposting and referral to other services, alongside more general support for those who are particularly vulnerable in the Kensington and Chelsea area. They also have the Ayan Zaman project with is for older men aged 55 and above.

- Drop-in: a weekly drop-in session is available to Arabic-speaking women who live in the boroughs of Kensington and Chelsea

- Legal Drop in service: Free legal sessions to women. Runs every 2 weeks and a booking is required

- ESOL classes: Free ESOL Classes

Bays 4-5 Trellick Tower, , Golborne Road, London, W10 5PA
Area serviced:
Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster and Hammersmith and Fulham
020 3048 4488
Opening times:
Monday to Friday 9.30 to 5.00; drop-in Fridays 10.00 to 12.00
Who is it for:
Women from Arabic backgrounds aged 16 years and above looking for empowerment and support
How to apply:
Call, drop in or fill out form available on the website
7, 18, 23, 28, 31, 36 and 328
Westbourne Park and Ladbroke Grove (Hammersmith and City Line)
Last updated: