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VoiceAbility supports people who face disadvantage or discrimination to have their voices heard, through providing advocacy. It provides Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA). This is a free, independent and confidential service for people who need support with their rights under the Mental Health Act.

If you are being detained under a Mental Health Section, you are legally entitled to help and support from an Independent Mental Health Advocate. Advocates can support you with understanding and getting information about your rights under the Act, the parts of the Act that apply to you, and the medical treatments you may be given.

VoiceAbility will:

- Listen carefully to what you tell them about your views and feelings
- Support you to speak up, or speak up on your behalf if needed
- Make sure you are fully involved in decisions being made about you

An IMHA can support you with:

- Being fully involved in your care planning
- Your access to Mental Health Review Tribunals, preparing for them and understanding decisions made
- Your access to other support or services
- Discussing appropriate aftercare
- How to raise concerns about your experience/care
- Exercising your rights

Invicta House, 108-114 Golden Lane, London, EC1Y 0TL
Umbrella org:
Area serviced:
0300 303 1660 (Helpline: Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm)
The IMHA service is free
How to apply:
You can refer yourself or be referred by a professional
Last updated: