Community ConneX works with people who have learning disabilities by creating opportunities for personal development, choice and empowerment. We offer residential and community services as well as a small day service, the Harrow Activity Centre. Community ConneX also provides advocacy, Asian outreach service, Carers support, a football project, leisure and social clubs, a user invovement project, a person centred approach project, and a Volunteer service. More detailed information is available on the internet site.
3 Jardine House, Harrovian Business Village, Bessborough Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 3EX
Umbrella org:
Community Connex
Job title:
Chief Executive
020 8869 8484, 020 8423 7382
Opening times:
Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm (Office). Monday - Thursday, 9am - 4pm (Day service).
Who is it for:
Residents of LB Harrow with learning disabilities.
Asian community languages.
Disabled access:
Ground floor access, accessible toilet
How to apply:
Contact in person by phone, post or email.
Pay and Display Parking available on Vaughan Road