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Specialist Domestic Abuse Intervention Service

The service supports victims of domestic abuse over the age 16 who have complex needs and from marginalsed communities.

The Domestic Abuse Intervention Worker for Harrow will take referrals, initially from Housing Needs and Resident Services but also from other departments and partner agencies, where a client is experiencing domestic abuse and has complex needs (such as substance misuse and mental health needs) and there is an impact on their housing. This would include a client with complex needs who is experiencing domestic abuse but to whom the local authority does not have a homelessness duty. Clients with NRPF status (no recourse for public funding) who are experiencing domestic abuse and have complex needs and housing issues will also be considered. 

Umbrella org:
Area serviced:
Harrow. Ealing and Slough
Contact name:
Shameem Khan
Job title:
Specialist Domestic Abuse Intervention Team Leader
How to apply:
Referral from Housing Needs and Resident Services but also from other departments and partner agencies
Last updated: