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Mind Yourself and The London Irish Centre

Mind Yourself supports Irish people in London who want to improve or maintain their physical or mental health. They do this by providing Befriending services, Advice & Outreach on a range of welfare issues, Day services on Mon, Wed & Fri and social groups. You can refer yourself or you can refer (with permission) a friend, family member or a client if you are a professional. They offer the following services:

One-on-one support: information, advice and support about a range of welfare issues, including information about moving to london and irish passports and birth certificates.

Befriending: one of their staff or specially trained volunteers will accompany you to an appointment for emotional support and company. You can choose whether they come into the consultation room with you or not. They can also help you prepare for the appointment.

Group activities: an extensive range of activities that you can show up for on the day, no need to book. These include interest groups, such as music, film, yoga and walking; peer support groups for Carers, Survivors of Institutional Abuse and Mental Wellbeing; and at least one specialist health information session every month.


50-52 Camden Square , London, NW1 9XB
Area serviced:
020 7697 4753
Last updated: