Since its inception in 1980 AWRC has been addressing issues affecting Asian women such as forced marriages, high rates of suicide, domestic violence, racial harassment, welfare benefits, immigration. It is a women-only organisation and all services are free and confidential. Their services include:
- Domestic violence and advocacy services: safety planning, advice and information, advocacy and support services, which are delivered through one to one advice (usually via telephone appointments, but emergency support is available)
- Domestic violence support group: a group that aims aims to develop women’s self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as provide an opportunity for them to meet other women in similar situations, currently held every Wednesday 11.30am-1.00pm
- Advice, Information and advocacy services: offered to all women in need, aiming to reduce poverty in BMER vulnerable group by delivering positive outcomes; services provided through appointments, drop-ins, outreach, and telephone and e-mail
- Women’s drop-in sessions: weekly networking and information sessions/workshops (recent topics have included health, careers advice, employment advice, creative arts projects and yoga); luncheon club providing a hot Asian meal
108 Craven Park, Harlesden, NW10 8QE
020 8961 6549 /5701
Opening times:
Monday-Friday 10am-5pm
Who is it for:
All women, though some services are specific to Asian women.
English, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali and Urdu
How to apply:
Call, email or use the online form. Both self-referral and referral by professionals and public services are accepted.
Harlesden (Bakerloo, Overground)