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Harrow Rethink Support Group

Harrow Rethink Support Group is comprised of volunteer carers, people who use mental health services and others who are affected by mental illness. They give time to offer advice, help, mutual support, and access to all kinds of information to help everyone affected by mental illness. They also seek to influence local mental health policies on local committees and attend meetings to help improve mental health services.

Harrow Rethink offers the following services:

- telephone advice service (open 9.30-4pm Monday-Friday)

- a monthly newsletter distributed electronically and by post

- a monthly support meeting on the first Wednesday of the month from 7pm: a warm welcome with speakers on relevant mental health topics and practical issues {phone: Jennifer 07761 417879 / Ann 07760 127693}

- Don’t Fret: beginners/intermediate guitar group, meets on Sundays from 2pm to 4pm {phone: 07914 373934 / email:}

- More Than Just A Choir (aka Harrow Community Choir): meets on Tuesdays from 6:15pm to 9:30pm {phone: David 07399 025823 / email:}

- Munch & Mingle: lunch and chat, meets on 1st or 2nd Friday of every month from 2pm in the Moon and Sixpence, Hatch End.
{phone: Patricia 07914 373 934 / email:}

- The Other Group (TOG): a social and activity group, meets on Wednesdays (except first Wednesday of the month) from 1pm to 4pm {phone: Jennifer 07761 417879}

-UkeCan, beginners/intermediate ukulele group, meets with Don’t Fret on a Sunday and at TOG on a Wednesday. Telephone Patricia 07914 373934 and Email:


c/o 58 Canons Drive, Edgware, HA8 7RD, Harrow, HA1 4LS
Umbrella org:
Rethink Mental Illness
Area serviced:
Harrow & surrounding boroughs
Contact name:
Jennifer Zeffman, Ann Freeman and Mary Prazer
Job title:
Joint Voluntary Coordinators
Advice service 0300 5000 927; 07761 417879 (Jennifer), 07976 759 968 (Mary), 07760 127693 (Ann)
Who is it for:
Anyone affected by mental illness: people who use mental health services, carers, friends and family.
Disabled access:
How to apply:
Get in contact via the details above
Last updated: