If you would like to make a complaint about an NHS service, the Harrow Health Complaints Advocacy Service can help. They provide tailored support to Harrow residents who wish to raise concerns about health care and treatment provided or commissioned by the National Health Service (NHS). NHS services include:
- GP Practices
- Hospitals
- Pharmacists
- NHS Dentists & Opticians
- Ambulance Service
- NHS funded nursing homes and other specialist services
The Harrow Health Complaints Advocacy Service is provided by HAD, Community Connex (Harrow Mencap) & Age UK Harrow, working in partnership.
Harrow mencap , 3 Jardine House, Harrow , Middlesex, HA3 7AE
Umbrella org:
Community Connex
0203 9480569/ 07985 244 177
Who is it for:
Harrow residents that need to make a complaint about a health service
How to apply:
Get in contact via the details above
Harrow on the Hill station